words, words, words.

What do you read? Hopefully my weekly words.


History has an awful habit of repeating itself because we’re the one animal who can’t ‘get it.'


Someone out there, right now, this very moment is thinking of an idea that will change the world.

These Are the Times That Try Men’s Souls

We’ve anticipated the deluge, standing at the shoreline and watching the wave approach shore.

Self Portrait

Do you see yourself as you truly are?

Prepare For Controversy

The internet is here to stay, and as such the sea of commentators will be endless.

When Does a House Become a Home?

Have doors that open and secret gardens that smell of heaven.

Such a Time as This

Christmas was a time of house parties, sans decorations.

Night Becomes Us

Man can be nasty brutish and short, and we city dwellers take it as a badge of honour.

It Wouldn’t be Nothing Without a Woman or a Girl

It wasn't until I started shaving my legs regularly and wearing make-up, that I began to understand the world in which I as a woman live in.

Because…You’re Not One of Us

In the end, they made what they sang count.

This Revolution Must Be Televised

That feeling of warmth, uncertainty and giddiness is what’s going to get us through.

Total Work of Awe

You cannot to with nature, there are no prevarications.

A Place on One’s Own

Being alone: a curse and a necessity that all writers wrangle with at any stage in their scrivener’s journey.

In Search of Patrons

There are far too many collectors and not enough patrons, and a troubling sign of our times is that we cannot differentiate between the two.

Is it Really Burning?

Too often it’s not about what you show but what you don’t that gets the cookie.

Music be the Food of Love?

To reach a great height means to know an incredibly deep low.

Road Trippin'

The smooth repetitive pulse of asphalt my lullaby.

Why Whine: Pressing

On occasion we taste and immediately spit out a sample, carefully deciding whether it’s worth keeping around or completely changing altogether.

Canis Lupus Familiaris

I wondered what Tintin would have done during his early adventures without Milou.

Why Whine: Crushing

Yet, in the back of my mind I can’t help but constantly ask when will my life start again?

People, places, and...

Where I understood the insignificance of my presence on this planet.


The Greeks called upon the muses, others resort to psychedelics.

Why Whine: Sorting

I ask God, myself and the ceiling how my life got to this.

Tag. It's It.

What is it about graffiti that attracts the stories of the forgotten and unheard?

To Lead is To Serve

The game for the people.

One of Those Places...

To feel a place, is to see it.


Every time it just feels right.

Why Whine: Picking

I could be your miracle.

The Craft

I would like to thank...

Greetings and Salutations

Hello! Bonjour! Guten Tag!